Ensuring proper management of employee taxes and pensions stands as a fundamental obligation for businesses and organisations. It serves a dual purpose, both facilitating adherence to tax regulations and safeguarding the financial futures of employees. To assist employers in navigating this intricate terrain, we have devised an exhaustive Employee Taxes and Pensions Checklist. This checklist constitutes a comprehensive manual encompassing all critical facets related to the administration of employee taxes and pensions, extending from payroll deductions to contributions towards retirement savings. Through the implementation of this checklist, businesses can optimise their operational procedures, mitigate the occurrence of errors, and furnish employees with the assurance that their financial well-being is being meticulously attended to. Let us delve into the core components of this checklist and elucidate its potential benefits for your organisation.


Prior to concluding the financial records for the fiscal year, it is imperative to ascertain that all requisite returns have been filed and all taxes owed for the year have been duly settled. This proactive measure holds the potential to yield substantial savings by preempting the imposition of hefty penalties.


We have devised this checklist with the primary objective of aiding you in verifying your compliance with tax regulations and, in doing so, minimising the prospect of incurring unwarranted penalties.


The management of employee taxes and pensions is a pivotal undertaking for businesses and institutions alike. Not only does it serve as a legal obligation, but it also plays a pivotal role in safeguarding the financial futures of the workforce. To facilitate a seamless navigation of this intricate landscape, we present our Employee Taxes & Pensions Checklist. This comprehensive compendium offers an exhaustive overview of the essential elements associated with the handling of employee taxes and pensions, encompassing everything from the intricate details of payroll deductions to the critical matter of contributions toward retirement savings. By incorporating this checklist into your operational framework, businesses can streamline their procedures, drastically reduce the probability of errors, and endow their employees with the invaluable peace of mind that emanates from the knowledge that their financial security is receiving the utmost attention. Let us now embark on an exploration of the pivotal components embodied within this checklist and elucidate how it has the potential to confer a multitude of advantages upon your organisation.


Before concluding the financial records for the year, it is imperative to undertake a comprehensive review to ensure that all tax returns have been meticulously filed and all tax liabilities accrued during the fiscal year have been promptly settled. This proactive approach has the capacity to yield substantial savings by forestalling the imposition of onerous penalties.


The primary aim behind the development of this checklist is to equip you with the tools necessary to verify your compliance with tax regulations, thereby substantially reducing the likelihood of incurring unnecessary penalties.


The effective management of employee taxes and pensions constitutes a core responsibility for businesses and organisations alike. Not only does it facilitate adherence to tax regulations, but it also plays an instrumental role in securing the financial well-being of employees. To provide employers with guidance in navigating this intricate terrain, we have crafted an Employee Taxes & Pensions Checklist. This all-encompassing guide offers a thorough overview of the crucial elements involved in handling employee taxes and pensions, spanning from the intricacies of payroll deductions to the vital aspect of contributing to retirement savings. By integrating this checklist into their operations, businesses can streamline processes, diminish the occurrence of errors, and offer employees the assurance that their financial security is being diligently managed. Let us now delve into the key constituents of this checklist and elucidate how it can be a boon to your organisation.


Before you wrap up your financial records for the year, it is imperative to ensure that all tax returns have been filed and all tax liabilities incurred during the year have been settled. This preemptive measure can lead to substantial cost savings by preventing the imposition of significant penalties.


We have devised this checklist with the primary objective of assisting you in verifying your compliance and minimizing the risk of incurring unwarranted penalties.

New Hire during the year

Employer’s obligations    YES      NO
Did your company recruit new employees this year?
Have you completed and filed the “New Engaged Form”?
Do all your employees have Tax Identification Number (TIN)?
Do your employees have social security’s Number?
Do your employees have Ghana Card Number?


Do you employ workers lacking TIN or Social Security numbers? How did you manage their compensation? It’s crucial to recognize potential liabilities in taxes, pension contributions, and penalties. Prior to concluding your financial records, it’s imperative to take proactive measures to address this issue and find a resolution.

Leavers / Terminations

Employer’s Obligations YES NO
Did any employee leave during the year?
Have you completed and filed the “Disengagement Form” for the year with GRA?

Before you shut the books, submit the disengagement form if you haven’t already.


Employee Tax relief claims during the year 

Have the employees renewed their tax relief card (If any) YES NO
Do copies of your tax relief card for employees claiming a tax relief?
Did you apply the correct tax relief amount in calculating the payroll


The reliefs provided by GRA are subject to annual renewal. Consequently, employees can only avail themselves of these reliefs if they have filed for or renewed their relief cards.

Have you filed the following monthly returns throughout the year?

Have you filed these returns for YES NO
PAYE returns?
Tier1 returns
Tier 2 returns
Tier 3 returns
Have you paid the amount due to each of the 12 months
Did you object to any penalties raised by the authorities during the year?
Have you resolved the objection and paid any penalties agreed

If you answered “No” to any of the above, ensure you file the return and make payments as soon as possible to avoid any penalties.


Employee – Related Annual tax returns

Have you filed the following? YES NO
Annual PAYE Deduction Return Schedule (DT 0108)
Employees Annual Tax Deduction Schedule (DT 0108a)
Annual Employees’ Information Schedule (DT0108b)

The deadline for filing these returns is 31st April.


The Employee Taxes & Pensions Checklist plays an essential role for employers aiming to fulfil their tax obligations and secure their employees’ financial futures. This checklist acts as a clear guide, ensuring the accuracy of payroll processes, precise deductions, and careful management of pension contributions. By adhering to the checklist’s steps, businesses can cultivate trust and loyalty among their employees, demonstrating a strong commitment to their financial security. Additionally, adherence to tax and pension regulations is vital for avoiding penalties and legal complications. Consequently, by utilising this checklist, organisations can not only streamline their operations but also protect their financial and legal standing. In the ever-changing landscape of finance and taxation, this checklist proves to be a valuable asset, empowering businesses to confidently navigate the intricacies of employee taxes and pensions.

Second Floor, B.A. Mensah House, Dadeban Road, North Industrial Area, Accra-Ghana.

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Accra, Ghana.


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