Our Features

our beliefs

What We Believe In


WealthСo believes that performance starts with preparation. We conduct exhaustive research and analysis to continuously evaluate the ever changing environment.


Experience brings our work to the level of excellency. The investment process is being tested in every market environment thoroughly.

our history

How We Started

Our Experts

Team of Professionals

Vanessa Lee

Founder, General Manager

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Sam Harrison

Co-Founder, Advisor

Melissa Jones

Account Manager
more information
contact info

Feel Free to Contact Us with Any Questions

Our Location

350 Avenue, New York, NY 10001

Call Us

Customers Care: 8 800 123 456 Support: 8 800 123 457

Work Hours

Mn - Fr: 8am – 8pm St – Sn: closed
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Second Floor, B.A. Mensah House, Dadeban Road, North Industrial Area, Accra-Ghana.

Postal Address
P.O. Box GP 3683,
Accra, Ghana.


Call us
+233 (0) 302 9722 49
±233 (0) 266 636 873

Working Hours
Monday to Friday
8am – 5pm

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