
Our ability to meet the expectations of our clients and other stakeholders depends on the skills and experience of our team. To this end, attractive compensation packages are available to reward committed, result-oriented and customer-focused staff.

We provide both graduate (trainee) and experienced job opportunities.

Would you love to join our team?

Send your job applications to

or Apply using the form below

We will contact you as soon as vacancies are available.

Careers Form

    Second Floor, B.A. Mensah House, Dadeban Road, North Industrial Area, Accra-Ghana.

    Postal Address
    P.O. Box GP 3683,
    Accra, Ghana.


    Call us
    +233 (0) 302 9722 49
    ±233 (0) 266 636 873

    Working Hours
    Monday to Friday
    8am – 5pm

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    2021, Maker Haybrand (MH)

    Web Services provided by Creative Bibini Ltd

    Maker Hybrand (MH)